GSO Test

Purbeck WI

Purbeck WI is made up of women from across the Purbeck area, who come together to learn, connect and make a positive impact in their community. Through social events and meaningful campaigns, we empower our members to grow, share skills and support important causes. Whether you are looking to meet new people or contribute to local initiatives, there is a place for you at Purbeck WI. We pride ourselves on Fun and Friendship as our ethos.

We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month at Harmans Cross Village Hall. Doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30 pm start. There will normally be a speaker invited to the meeting and we try to cover an array of interesting topics. We help local charities and this year we are supporting Lewis-Manning, and the local food bank. We welcome visitors to come and see what we are all about.

PWI can be followed on Facebook, Instagram and we have a website

Alternatively, please contact Jackie Fuggle, Purbeck WI Secretary by email on



Our new hall has been made possible with the help of the following: